Prof. Guldana Osmonkulova (Kyrgyzstan) 13-15.11.2017

The Faculty of Theology of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and the Poznan City Hall invite to three open lectures by Professor Guldana Osmonkulova, PhD between 13 and 15 November 2017:

- On Monday 13 November 2017 at 3:30 pm: "The migration of the youth under conditions of globalisation" (Миграция молодежи в условиях глобализации) in Building A, Hall 103 of the Faculty of Theology of the Adam Mickiewicz University at 2/4 Wieżowa Street

- On Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 3:00 pm: "The processes of integration and disintegration in Central Asia with particular concern for Kyrgyzstan in Hall 21 of the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences of the Adam Mickiewicz University at 10 Bogumiła Krygowskiego Street

- On Wednesday 15 November 2017 at 3:30 pm: "Migration as a factor of socioeconomic changes in post-Soviet countries (on the example of Kyrgyzstan) (Миграциякакфакторсоциально-экономическихизмененийвпостсоветскихстранах [напримере Кыргызтана]) in Building A, Hall 103 of the Faculty of Theology of the Adam Mickiewicz University at 2/4 Wieżowa Street

Professor Guldana Osmonkulova specialises in economy and management. Her main area of interest is social projects management, the study of influence of migration on the socioeconomic situation in post-Soviet countries, with particular concern for Kyrgyzstan, and social policy, including the influence of religion of socioeconomic changes and migrations of communities.

Currently Professor Osmonkulova performs the function of Rector of the Institute of Social Development and Business in Bishkek.

Between 2004 and 2014 she was the Vice-Rector for Science and External Relations of ISRIP in Bishkek, and between 2000 and 2004 the Secretary of the Department of Economics at the University of Economy in Talas.

For her scientific and didactic activity Professor Guldana Osmonkulova was awarded with a medal of the Mikhail Lomonosov European Scientific and Industrial Consortium and the badge titled "The highest quality in education of the Kyrgyz Republic". What is more, Professor Osmonkulova wrote over 55 scientific works, including 3 monographies. She is a member of the editorial board of the international scientific journal "Общество и Экономика Постсоветского Пространства" ("Society and Economy in post-Soviet countries).

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